General Secretary

This office contributes to the development of the university. It works on assuring respecting laws and discipline in the university. It is composed of:

  • Staff sub-division
  • Sub Directorate of Budget and Accounting
  • Sub-Directorate of resources and maintenance
  • The management in scientific, cultural and sport
Staff sub-division
  • Its job is to:

    •  Ensure the management and management of the civil servants’ bodies and the central administration (rectorate) and deconcentrated (faculties) officials.
    •  Ensure the application of legal and regulatory provisions relating to labor relations.
    •  Developing and retraining plans and programs.
    •  Develop and implement the annual Human Resources Management Plan.
    •  Establish and maintain social dialogue (organization and participation in technical committees and joint committees of establishment ….)

    It is composed of:

    The service of teaching staff: Mr.BERRABAH Benamar (

    The service of the administrative, technical and service agents:

    The service of training and development: Mr.ELGOUTNI Amine (

Sub-directorate of budget and accounting

Its job is to:

  • prepare the budget of the university on the basis of proposals from Deans,
  • monitor the implementation of the university budget,
  • prepare delegations of credit to Deans and ensure control over their execution,
  • follow the funding of research activities conducted by research laboratories,
  • maintain the university’s accounting.

It includes the following services:

  1. The budget office and accounting:  Mr.DALI Mahfoud
  2. The service funding of research activities  Mr. MESSALA Zelmat
  3. The control service management and markets :
    Mrs.LEKHAL Djoher
Sub-Directorate of resources and maintenance

Its job is to:

  • ensure the endogenous capacity of operation of rectorat structures and common services,
  • ensure the upkeep and maintenance of property, real and the rectory and common services,
  • keep inventory records,
  • the conservation and maintenance of the University Archives,
  • manage the fleet rectory.
S/D Mrs.Houari Leila
The management in scientific, cultural and sport

Its job is to:

  • promote and develop scientific and cultural activities within the university to benefit students,
  • implement recreational activities,
  • support sports activities in the framework of university sport,
  • conduct outreach activities for the benefit of university staff.

 It includes the following services:

  1. The service of scientific and cultural activities,
  2. The service sports and leisure activities. Dahar Ayada


Director of University 09th floor

045 71 65 07



الناجحين الجدد في شهادة البكالوريا 2024