Dr. Fellah Benzerga فلاح بن زرقة
Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie
Département Electrotéchnique
Grade : Maitre de conférence classe A
Numéro de Téléphone :0773265729
Adresse électronique institutionnel
Adresse électronique personnel
Adresse postale :
Lien Researchgate:
Mots Clés de Recherche :communication,électronique,télécommunication.


Parcours académique :

2003-2009 Tlemcen University, diploma of engineer in telecommunication. 2010-2012 Mostaganem University, diploma of magister in electronics option signals and applications in the subject: Study of optical nonlinearities in photonic crystals in III-V semiconductors. 2012 Mascara University, diploma of master in modern telecommunication in the subject: realization of a led message scrolling display board using microcontroller connected via USB cable. 2012-2016 Tlemcen University, doctorate of telecommunication in the subject: study and design of progressive opening antenna arrays for passive imaging in SIW technology: modeling by the 2d method finite elements (2D-FEM)

Axes et thèmes de recherche


  • Publications

  • Analysis and Design of an Optimum Novel Millimeter T and Y-Junction SIW Power Dividers Using the Quick Finite Element Method
  • La revue : WSEAS Transactions on Communications
    Domaine : telecommunications
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : Fellah benzerga, Mehadji Abri, Hadjira ABRI Badaoui, JUNWU Tao
    Issn : 1109-2742 Eissn : 2224-2864 vol : 16, Num : 39, pp : 347-352
  • Date de publication : 2017-01-01
  • Résume :
    The aim of this paper is to present a novel technique for the design of millimetre substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) power dividers based on the Quick Finite Element Method. The return losses, transmission coefficients and the field's distribution are presented and analyzed by this technique. To present the validity and the performances of our structures, the obtained results are compared with CST commercial software in the band frequencies from 40 to 75 GHz. The numerical simulation program can provides useful design information as well as physical insights for frequencies in the millimeter wave range.

  • A Leaky Wave Antenna Design Based on Half-mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology for X Band Applications
  • La revue : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
    Domaine : telecommunications
    Mots Clés :
    Auteur : S. Doucha, M. Abri, H. Abri Badaoui, B. Fellah
    Issn : 2088-8708 Eissn : 10.11591/ijece.v7i6.pp3467-3474 vol : 07, Num : 06, pp : 3467~3474
  • Date de publication : 2017-12-01
  • Résume :
    A new type of leaky-wave antenna (LWA) using half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) as the base structure is proposed in this paper. The structure consists of an array of slot, antenna designed to operate in X band applications from 8 to 12 GHz. HMSIW preserves nearly all the advantages of SIW whereas its size is nearly reduced by half. The antenna radiates one main beam that can be steered from the backward to the forward direction by changing frequency. Copyright © 2017 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.

  • Optimized Bends and Corporate 1x4 and 1x8 SIW Power Dividers Junctions Analysis for V Band Applications Using a Rigorous Finite Element Method
  • La revue : Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
    Domaine : telecommunications
    Mots Clés : Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) V-band Bend analysis Two dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM) CST Microwave Studio
    Auteur : Fellah benzerga, Mehadji Abri, Hadjira ABRI Badaoui
    Issn : 12 Eissn : 231 vol : 41, Num : 9, pp : pp 3335–3343
  • Date de publication : 2016-09-15
  • Résume :
    In this paper, two classes of V-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bends operating in V-band frequency in the range [58–63 GHz] for the 90∘90∘ SIW bend with inductive via and in the range [57–68 GHz] for the circular SIW bend and corporate 1×41×4 and 1×81×8 SIW power dividers that provide equal power split with high isolation in all output ports operating in V-band [45–80 GHz] are presented and studied. The advantages of the SIW technique are its low profile, low cost, mass production, ease of fabrication and full integration with planar circuits. All the SIW bend topologies are optimized and designed to operate in the V-band frequency range. The bends and dividers are analyzed using the two-dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM). The analysis was performed in H-plane using a powerful full-wave method based on the two-dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM) programmed under MATLAB environment. The return losses, transmission coefficients and the field’s distribution are exposed in this paper. To validate our results numerically, a comparison is made and the obtained results are compared with those given by the CST Microwave Studio. It is observed that the simulation computation time is reduced with good accuracy since the discretization was done only in two dimensions.

  • Communications

  • Lieu de communication : Constantine, Algeria
  • date debut : 2017-11-21
  • date fin : 2017-11-21
  • Lieu de communication : 9th Jordanian International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference (JIEEEC), 12 - 14 October 2015, Jordan
  • date debut : 2015-10-12
  • date fin : 2015-10-12
  • Lieu de communication : ICOSIP’2015, 8-9 November Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • date debut : 2015-11-08
  • date fin : 2015-11-08
  • Lieu de communication : CEECA’14 Constantine 18-20 November 2014, Algeria
  • date debut : 2014-11-18
  • date fin : 2014-11-18

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