Dr. ZAGANE Mohammed زعڨان محمد | Faculté des Sciences Exactes |
Département Informatique | |
Grade : Maitre de conférence classe A | |
Numéro de Téléphone : | |
Adresse électronique institutionnel Adresse électronique personnel | |
Adresse postale : | |
Lien Google Scholar : | |
Lien Researchgate: | |
Mots Clés de Recherche : Machine learning, Deep learning, Software Engineering, Computer Security |
Ouvrages | Publications | Projets | Communications |
BiographieParcours académique : |
Dr Mohammed ZAGANE, currently works as Assistant Professor at the department of computer science, University of Mustapha Stambouli, Mascara. He holds PhD in computer science from University of Oran1, Oran and Magister in computer science from ESI (higher national school of computer science, Algiers). His research interest include : Application of Machine learning and Deep learning in Software Engineering and Computer Security. |
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