Manifestation scientifique Nouvelles & Evénements

1st International Conference on Water and Environment ICWE’2022/ Virtual

Environmental issues have gained greater prominence in the development agenda in recent decades. Loss of forests and other natural resources, excessive consumption of natural resources, chemical and industrial pollution and water shortages continue to affect communities and hinder development with the most vulnerable communities disproportionately

Eau, Environnement et Développement Durable

La qualité et la quantité des ressources en eau en Algérie sont en dégradation continue en raison des rejets domestiques, industriels et agricoles non contrôlés, en plus des conditions climatiques non favorables notamment dans les zones arides et semi arides. De ce fait, une stratégie de gestion, protection et traitement des eaux doit êt

1st National Conference on Science and Technology

This conference will give opportunities to Ph.D. students, scientific experts, teachers, and researchers from different fields to share their research results and latest ideas. The main intention of this conference is to integrate interdisciplinary research to provide the best applications. They will also gain deeper knowledge and a new perspective

The 1st International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Control and Computer Technologies

The ICAECCT is the first international Conference on Advances in Electronics, Control and Computer Technology, organized by the faculty of Sciences and technology, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Algeria. This conference aims to bring all prominent scientists, researchers, innovators, inventors, and industrial practitioners to exchange

1st National Conference on Water, Soil and Environment Sustainability (NCWSE-S’2024)

The NCWSE-S is the first national Conference on Water, Soil and Environment Sustainability, organized by the faculty of Sciences and technology, Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara, Algeria. This conference calls for an integrated management of water and soil as interconnected resources and implementing sustainable environment development prac

The First International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Innovation (ICCEMI'24)

The Mustapha STAMBOULI University of Mascara welcomes you to “The First International conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Innovation” to be held in December 09-10, 2024 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology. This conference focuses mainly on the most recent scientific topics related to civil engineering and the latest innovation

The 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (NC2ET’25)

NC2ET'25 is the very first national conference aimed at bringing together major players in electrical engineering in Algeria around emerging and innovative technologies in this strategic field. This inaugural event offers a premier platform to explore the latest technological advances, share cutting-edge research results, and discuss future challen



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Contact Staff de recherche de notre université

Université Mustapha STAMBOULI
Mascara, 29000 Algeria.
Telphonne / Faxe :
045 71 66 89