Presentation of the faculty


The pole of Mamounia of Mustapha Stambouli University in Mascara was inaugurated in 1986 on the occasion of the creation of the INES of agronomy by decree n ° 86-173 of August 05, 1986 which was promoted at the University Center in 1992 by the Executive Decree N°. 92-302 of July 07, 1992 to support the following  seven institutes:

-Institute of Agronomy.

-Institute of Economic Sciences.

-Institute of hydraulics.

-Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

-Institute of Computer Science.

-Institute of Legal Sciences.

-Institute of Biology.

In 2006, the Institute of Science and Technology was created by the executive Decree N°. 06-273 of August 16, 2006, by combining the institutes of hydraulics, mechanical engineering and computer science.

After the University Center turned to a university by the executive decree n ° 09-12 of January 4, 2009, the Institute of Science and Technology became Faculty of Science and Technology composed of three departments: Department of Technical Sciences (ST), Department of Material Sciences (SM), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) while lessons are the result of coordination between the three fields.

After the creation of the faculty of exact sciences by the executive decree n ° 15-110 of May 03, 2015, the faculty was re-structured into six departments by the ministerial decision N ° 338 of May 05, 2016

The six educational departments that are currently working are: the electrical engineering department, the hydraulic department, the mechanical engineering department, the civil engineering department, the process engineering department and the core curriculum department which manages the lessons of 1st year students who receive the same training.

The courses are organized in three cycles. The first one leads to the Bachelor’s degree, the second, to the Master’s degree and the third to the Doctorate degree.

The faculty also includes 05 research laboratories which contribute significantly to the promotion of scientific research and to the management of the supervision of dissertations.


Common Core 1ST


Civil engineering


Electrical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Process Engineering




Faculty of Siences and Technology

Phone /fax :045 722835