General Secretariat FST The general secretariat of the Faculty of Science and Technology who job is to:Manage the careers of faculty staff.Prepare and execute the faculty’s human resources management plan.manage and preserve the archives and documentation of the facultyPrepare and execute the faculty’s budget proposal.promote scientific, cultural and sports activities for the benefit of the students.manage the different resources of the faculty and ensure their upkeepEnsure the implementation of the faculty’s internal security plan.Protect and conserve the archives and documentation of the rectorate M. The service staff The personnel department includes the following sections:the teaching staff sectionthe administrative, technical and service staff :M Budget and Accounting Service The budget and accounting department includes the following sectionsthe budget sectionthe accounting section Means and maintenance department The means and maintenance department includes the following sections:the means section,the maintenance section. CONTACT Faculty of Siences and Technology Phone /fax :045 722835