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Geo-Sciences & Environment

The interational geoscience communauty has the vast bulk of specialised knowledge, technical skills and grounded expertise, required to provide the e s s e n t i a l r e s o u r c e s a n d t h e s e c u r e / s a f e e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t h u m a n i t y n e e d s t o live/survive/thrive. A global geoscientific expertise a l l ows t o p r o v i d e a r e l i a b l e , a ff o r d a b l e a n d sustainable supply of mineral, energy and biological r e s o u r c e s ; t o s e c u r e b o t h t h e h u ma n a n d environmental requirements in terms of drinkable water, clean air and fertile soil; to manage wastefor environmental-protection purpose; to strengthen publ i c heal th; and to sustai n whol e-of-soci ety resilience against the deleterious effects of a broad range of natural and man-made hazards in the short, medium and long term. The First International Conference on Geosciences and Environment, that will be held in Mascara (Algeria) in June 7-8, 2021, aims at bringing together scientists, academics and researchers in order to share their respective experiences and present the results of their research on every aspect of geology , hydrology , hydrogeology , and envi ronnemental sciences. Within this scope it will also provide a first-order interdiscipl inary platform to researchers, practicioners and educators, in order to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and c o n c e r n s , b u t a l s o t o e x p o s e t h e p r a c t i c a l chal l enges t hey have met and t he pr agmat i c solutions embarked subsequently in connection wi t h g e o l o g y, h y d r o l o g y, h y d r o g e o l o g y a n d environnemental sciences. The topics selected for this scientific workshop are the exploration, quality , preservation, protection, exploitation, and sustainable development of raw m a t e r i a l s , m i n e r a l , e n e r g y a n d b i o l o g i c a l (ecosystem) resources. Dur i ng t hi s conf er ence, Al ger i an and f or ei gn speakers will share their expertise. We are inviting you to submitt an abstract to contribute toward seithera poster or an oral presentation.

Second International Conference on Geo-Sciences & Environment

Nowadays, the international community has significant geoscience knowledge and skills necessary for providing essential resources and promoting sustainable development for the benefit of humanity . In this planetary objective, geoscientific expertise is the tool which provides important information for the knowledge of mineral, energy and biological resources, technically reliable, economically affordable and sociologically feasible. Considering the recommandations of the experts and participants of the first edition (2021), the Second International Conference on Geo-Sciences and Environment (2nd ICGSE), will be held on September 17 and 18, 2022 at the University of Mustapha STAMBOULI (Mascara, Algeria) in order to open up the debate on different scientific skills in the fields of geology, hydrology, hydrogeology and environmental sciences. Through its interdisciplinary program, this second meeting will also provide a real platform for sharing respective experiences between proven researchers, managers and decision-makers, so as to discuss the most recent concerns and to present pragmatic solutions to the environmental challenges encountered as well. The involvement of new doctoral students in useful research, oriented towards the strategic objectives of the country, namely meeting the challenge of a global and sustainable development of the national territory is strongly requested by the organizers and experts of this scientific event. The main axes selected for the 2nd CIGSE meeting deal with an innovative tendency, both in terms of exploration of natural resources (soil, water, useful deposits, biological resources, etc.) and preservation of the environmental quality of living spaces, the only guarantee of the promotion of sustainable development. These are the objectives of this second international conference on geosciences and the environment (2nd CIGSE), through which the organizers will try to involve Algerian and foreign specialists in the concerned fields in order to share their experience and serve the development and growth of our society. Hence, geologists, hydrologists, hydrogeologists and environmental science specialists interested in this issue are invited to submit their abstracts for participation either by oral communication or poster display.

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