Most researchers agree that drama is a new art in the Arab culture, so the Arab world would not have known it in its various forms had it not been for the openness of Arab intellectuals to the Western world, with all its multiple colors of art, and the discovery of the works of giants of Western drama, like Molière. , Voltaire, Shakespeare, Henrik Ibsen, Antoine Chekhov, Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionescu .... and others, where the translation of their works was the first sign of the entry of this culture to the Arab world.
Therefore, the dramatic translation is a channel that transmitted the masterpieces of Western drama to the Arab audience, who found himself facing an art that deals with life and reality on the rocks, but in a way that contradicts his privacy and identity, which prompted Arab creators later, to try to give their dramatic works the character of Arab identity and privacy, And in translating Western drama texts.
In the work of this forum, we will try to answer this problem about the conflict of dramatic translation and identity in the Arab world, within a group of important themes, all of which are in the depth of the topic of this forum, and which will be discussed within the scientific interventions of the participating researchers.
Forum axes:
- Features of identity in theatrical translation
Theatrical translation between meaning and intellectual property protection
Theatrical translator between the translation of the text and the receiving audience
Cinema dubbing ethics
Cinematic dubbing and its impact on the recipient's culture
Sotrage in Cinema - Techniques and Objectives -
Arabic experiences in dramatic translation
Send an extended summary of 60 lines (2 pages maximum) with problematic and results. The summaries can be written in French or in English, accompanied by local words. The summaries should be contained in the following standards:
Title Times New Roman, 12 bold font, upper case and single line spacing
Authors: Times New Roman, font 12 italic, coordinates in Times 10.
name, surname (11 Arial)
Text:on A4 21x29 page, single spaced, Times 12.
Margins: height, right and left 2.5cm.
Abstracts should be sent by email as attachments in Word format to the following address:
Oral communications will be the subject of a 15-minute presentation in French or English. The scientific committee will select the papers on the basis of the abstracts provided and the authors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposal.