Vice Rectorate for External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events
University of Mascara-Algeria
In accordance with the interministerial decree of 24th August 2004 on the administrative organisation of the Rectorate, the Institute, the annex of the University and its common services, the Vice Rectorate for External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events is composed of two (02) services:
- Service of Inter-University Exchanges, Cooperation and Partnership.
- Service of Animation, Communication and Scientific Events.
The service is responsible for :
- Initiate any action to promote inter-university exchanges and cooperation in the fields of teaching and research,
- Undertake actions of animation and communication,
- Organize and promote scientific events.
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Agreements between Mustapha Stambouli University and its partners
Currently, the service of inter-university exchanges, cooperation and partnership of the Vice Rectorate manages three (03) types of conventions between the University of Mascara and its partners :
- International inter-university agreements;
- National inter-university agreements;
- Conventions with socio-economic partners.
The Vice-Rectorate, through its service of Animation, Communication and Scientific Events, manages the organisation of the different events of the university, press conferences, as well as the inaugurations and anniversaries of the different structures.
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The service is responsible for :
- Carrying out animation and communication activities,
- Organising and promoting scientific events.
- Evaluation scale for “High-level short-term scientific for University institutions and schools
- Evaluation scale for improvement training abroad for University institutions and schools
- Evaluation scale for participation in international scientific events for University institutions and schools
- Evaluation scale for administrative and technical staff for University institutions and schools
Improvement Level Work Project PDF Word
The file for the short-term mobility program abroad PDF Word