Vice Rectorate of Postgraduate Education, University Accreditation, Scientific Research and Postgraduate Higher Education

University of Mascara-Algeria

  •  To follow up the issues related to the development of post-graduate and specialised post-graduate training and university habilitation and to ensure the application of the regulations in force in this field,
  • To follow the research activities of the research units and laboratories and to elaborate the balance sheet, in coordination with the faculties,
Dr. Younes MOUCHAAL - The Vice Rector
  • To carry out any action of valorization of the results of the research,
  • To follow up the functioning of the scientific council of the university and to keep the archives,
  • To collect and disseminate information on the research activities carried out by the university.

The following services are placed under the authority of the Vice Rector in charge of the Vice Rectorate :

  • The service of post-graduation training and specialized post-graduation,
  • The service of the university accreditation
  • The service of the follow-up of the activities of research and the valorization of its results.
Service of post-graduation training and specialized post-graduation

Post-graduation is the successor to the graduation cycles in teaching and higher education. Its purpose is to train for careers in teaching and higher education, research, expertise and high-level management in the various sectors of economic and social life… 

  • Postgraduate cycle is the successor to the graduation cycles in higher education and training. Its purpose is to train for jobs in higher education and training, research, expertise and high-level management in the various sectors of economic and social life.
  • The first step in the post-graduate training cycle is the Magister degree. The purpose of the training for the Magister diploma is to deepen knowledge in a particular scientific field, to introduce research techniques, to familiarise students with methods of analysis, reasoning and the construction of an appropriate investigation and/or experimentation protocol.
  • Access to training for the Magister’s degree is open, through a competitive examination, to holders of a long-term graduation diploma or a diploma recognised as equivalent.
  • Access to training for the Magister’s diploma may be open, without competition, to holders of a long-term graduation diploma or a diploma recognised as equivalent, who are top of their class at the end of their graduation studies.
Service of the university Accreditation

The submission of the application file for university accreditation is done at the level of the Vice Rectorate of Higher Education, Post-Graduation and University Accreditation, in eight (08) copies. A receipt of deposit of the file will be delivered after verification of the conformity of the file.

Mustapha Stambouli University is authorized to deliver the university accreditation in eighteen (18) specialities according to the aforementioned ministerial orders.



Ministerial order


Science and Technology

Process Engineering

N°916 of 26/09/2017

Mechanical Engineering – Civil Engineering – Electrical Engineering – Electronics

N°639 of 29/07/2018


Exact Sciences

Physics- Mathematics

N°1611 of 15/10/2016

Computer Sciences

N°916 of 26/09/2017


N°639 of 29/07/2018


Natural and Life Sciences

Natural and Life Sciences – Earth and Universe Sciences

N°1611 of 15/10/2016


Letters and langagues

Arabic Language and Literature

N°916 of 26/09/2017

English Language and Literature

N°883 of 21/11/2020


Human and Social Sciences

Sociology – Philosophy – History

N°916 of 26/09/2017


Economics, Business and Management Sciences

Management Sciences – Economic Sciences

N°639 of 29/07/2018

Service of the follow-up of the activities of research and the valorization of its results


  • Circular n° 02 of 20/02/2018 on university research-training projects PRFU (Ex CNEPRU)  PDF
  • Plant database : WAMAP-Base PDF

CNEPRU projects

  • Attestation and Declaration  Word 
  • Annual Review  Word 
  • Individual Assessment  PDF
  • CNEPRU Statement  PDF
  •  Submission of annual reports

Documents for new PRFU projects 2020 session

  • PRFU 2020 session  PDF
  • Canvas for new project Submission 2019  in Ar    and Fr

Contact us
Director of University -08th floor

B.P: 305 Mamounia road Mascara 29000

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